For the past few weeks I have decided to try ArcheAge!




If you love crafting and focusing on trade skills ArcheAge may be the game for you. I love playing mmorpgs. In most games I tend to hate that you spend so much time building trade skills only for those skills to be ignored. Archeage stands out when it comes to trading. The game has a very intricate trade system that I haven’t really figured out yet but it is enough to hold my attention.  Crafted items are very good.  That gear could be better than any drops that you would get questing.  The only problem is that crafting can become very tedious at later levels and items crafted at later levels are random.


I am really enjoying the opening quest and tutorial in the game; sadly I have played through 4 zones and I haven’t found that I’m invested in the story at all. If you are into questing you will not like this game.  At a certain point there just isn’t many end game quests. If you love instances and you may not like this game to much either.  If you hate PVP (Player vs. Player) I honestly wouldn’t suggest this game.


This game has a huge PVP aspect so you may find doing things such as trade impossible without a guild.  Let’s focus on PVP a little more; you can be ganked by people within your own faction no one is truly safe from anyone. There is no honor among thieves and trust me you will meet a lot of thieves.  There have been times even within guilds the guild leader will take someone’s trade pack then kick them out of the guild for no reason at all.  Oh and your own guild members can kill you if they feel so inclined.



The community

The community at times can come off a bit childish.  I have played the game for 3 weeks.  I can say that at least twice a day there is someone in chat saying something racist.  I have come across very few players with brown skin, but that may be because the selection is really limited during character creation.  Between racist, misogynist, and gold spammers IGNORE will become your very best friend in this game.  Hello is anyone out there?  Yes there is someone out there but that person isn’t a moderator!  The amount of racism in this game among characters is so horrid it deserves its own article.  There are some very nice people and there are a few that are quite helpful.  The rest will kill you or scam you or both!!!


I really like the means of transportation in this game.  At about level 10 to 15 you will receive a quest to get a glider.  I haven’t grasped using my glider very well at this point; however, I am working on it. You will want to keep the glider from the quest because it is a material needed to build more advanced gliders.  I love most of the mounts in Archeage.  I like that the mounts also level along with your character and gain special abilities.  You can buy gear for your mount that will make it go faster or have more defense!  You also will get a quest to receive a land mount for your race around levels 6- 10.



You have the ability to own land, if of course you can find land.  All of the alpha and beta players made a mad dash to get all of the land leaving us new people out in the cold; because, we had no idea about doing only the green quests first to gather gilda stars then go to buy your home.  I absolutely hate how some homes are so close they are piled on top of each other leaving very little walking space.  Land will surely free up in a few months, but by that time I won’t care.  I will be off playing another game.  I like how the houses are not instanced they are actually part of the world.  I lucked out and was able to build my house.

Unfortunately my neighbors left me no room to expand my farm.  So I have this little tiny house and this little tiny scarecrow farm.  It is ridiculous.  Not really enough room to do things that I would want to do.  On top of everything you will have to continue to pay taxes on your home with in game certificates.

All and all the game is good.  If I had been a hardcore PVPER – “I am a bit care bearish these days” – then I would absolutely love this game.

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