This Months Loot Crate theme is Alter Ego.

Items in the box and what are they worth to me:

FranchiseItemWhat it is worth to me
Spider-Man Spider-Man Webslinger Q-fig $15
Transformers Transformers G1 Optimus Prime T-shirt$10
The Hulk Hulk Bowl$3
DC Comics Mini-Poster Book $8
and other stuff
Jeckyll and Hyde

Secret order of the keys Patch
$6 the green ranger is worth $2 if you play that game

The June Alter Ego Secret Order of the Keys Answers:

  1. Inner Demons
  2. Eighteen Wheel Warrior
  3. JLA United
  4.  Matrix of Leadership
  5. Belted by Gamma Rays
  6. Radioactive blood

This box contains some very awesome items. It is worth the total $20 for the loot crate. My favorite item this month is the Spider-Man Q-fig. The Hulk bowl is a close second, due to its usefulness.


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